In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Education,University of Mazandaran

2 Shahid Beheshti University

3 Payame noor University


One of the causes of environmental crisis is the lack of environmental awareness. Certainly, one of the ways of creating it is proper training. As one of the most versatile tools for teaching in the country are textbooks, the present study aims at investigating the main components of environment teaching included in the sixth grade text books in Iran. The method of the study was content analysis using Shannon entropy analysis including texts, questions, exercises, and pictures of selected books. The findings showed that the highest significant correlation in social studies books was related to the component of the way of exploiting the renewable and non-renewable resources which was (.023%), and the least significant correlation was related to the components of population, ozone layer depletion, and the role of technology in environment as well as global warming. It is also showed that in the Persian text book (reading), the focus of attention was only on the soil components (.013%) and the human role in environmental protection (.002%). In the text book of science, (.004%) of focus was on the components of environment, jungles, and trees, and (.023%) to the ways of exploiting the renewable and non-renewable resources. In the sixth grade's thinking and research textbook, the attention was only on the jungles and trees without considering the other environmental components. In the text books of Quran, mathematics, work and technology, divine gifts, and Persian (writing), there is no attention to the environment. The results showed that there is not a balanced and comprehensive attention to the components of environmental education in the content of text books of the sixth grade in Iran.


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