The Role of Green Human Resources Management on Environmentally Friendly Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Environmental Performance at the University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc., Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University

3 Associate Prof., Department of natural resources, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of green human resources management on environmentally friendly organizational citizenship behavior and the environmental performance of Semnan University employees. This study is applied research in terms of the purpose and is a type of descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population of the study included all employees of Semnan University (550 people) in the academic year 2020-2021. Using the instructions for determining the sample size of Mueller (1999), 234 people (165 women and 69 men) were selected using a stratified random sampling method. The study instrument consisted of standard questionnaires on green human resource management, citizen behavior of an organization supporting the environment, and environmental performance of the university. The content validity was confirmed by experts in this field. To determine the reliability of the scales, Cronbach's alpha test was used, the value of which is equal to 0.80 for measures of creating green competence, 0.72 for methods of strengthening green motivation, and 0.78 for methods of green employee participation, for the organizational citizen in relation to the environment, it was equal to 0.85, and for the environmental performance of the university, it was equal to 0.91. The data were analyzed via correlation and path analysis methods and SPSS and LISREL software. The findings (results) showed that there is a relationship between environmental performance with dimensions of green human resources management (competence development, strengthening motivation, employee participation) and environmentally friendly organizational citizenship behavior. Competence development, increasing green employee motivation, and increasing employee participation have a direct effect on the university's environmental performance. Competence development, increasing green employee motivation, and increasing employee participation have an indirect influence on the environmental performance of the university through the mediation of environmentally friendly organizational citizen behavior. The results of this study indicate the importance of the role of green human resources management in increasing environmentally friendly organizational citizenship behavior and, consequently, increasing the environmental performance of the university.


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