In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper





The paper’s purpose was to investigate the obstacles faced by the Zimbabwean government as they work towards meeting the sustainable development goal 3 which speaks of health and well-being for all. There are various obstacles observed such as political and economic, personnel leaving for greener pastures, dilapidated infrastructure, and lack of monitoring and evaluation of the systems that allow tracking of the goals. The author used a qualitative method and adopted document review for data collection. Three major documents were used Ministry of Health and Child Care’s national policy-2021-2025, World Health organisation 2023 report and UNDP’s 2020 Zimbabwe’s SDG Progress report. The researcher scanned through the documents and highlighted areas where they speak about the SDG 3 challenges faced. The results confirmed that Zimbabwe’s facing numerous challenges that include fragmented procurement system, political and economic challenges. The study's practical implications are that this document may be a reminder to policymakers that the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 3, cannot be wished away, but effort is needed to make sure that all obstacles that impede the attainment of SDG 3 are dealt with and provisions are made to influence such attainment. Policy-makers should provide a conducive environment that allows the ministries concerned to work towards the attainment of SDG 3. Additionally, health is regarded as a fundamental human right, and poverty hinders people's rights, lack of education. The well-being of all men is important, as economic and social factors are impacted. Healthy people are productive, and the focus will be on improving everyone's life, hence the need for SDG 3 to be fulfilled and no one is left behind.


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