In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asistant Professor, Education and Management Environmental Planning Department, Tehran North Branch Islamic Azad University

2 Graduate Student (M.Sc.) Environmenal Education, Tehran North Branch of Islamic Azad University

3 Graduate Student (M.Sc.) Environmental Design, Tehran Universtity


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Environmental education programs on enviro-nmental behavior of Sorkhe Hesar Forest Park visitors which is designed according to Systematic educational approach and tries to offer a instructional design model for environmental education. The main issue of this study is social and environmental behavior of visitors in Sorkhe Hesar Forest Park. Although this Forest Park has rich biodiversity and natural resources, it has many problems due to lack of suitable utilization. The study sample is the citizens of district 13 of Tehran who are more than 284074 individuals; and finally according to data and Cochran formula, sample size became 308 ones. Effectiveness of this model was checked through one-sample t-test and the impact of the course was checked with pre-test and post-test. In order to compare the mean of pre-test and post-test, Mann-Whitney nonparametric test was done. The result showed that participants’ satisfaction was high and it means that the design model was acceptable. The difference in means of variables in pre-test and post-test, shows the effectiveness of the course on variables.


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