In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Science, Payame Noor University

2 Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Markazi Province, Arak, Iran


The role of education in rural development can be summarized in the promotion of cultural knowledge, social, professional and increasing skill. Following that, the promotion of optimal efficiency will be achieved. Identifying the types of training methods is necessary for the correct application of it in a variety of education. In this study, factors affecting the use of different methods of training the farmers as well as the role of group and host education were detected. Because according to the cost of the different media and in the absence of the ruling economic constraints, it is important to identify the most appropriate method for each area. In this study, a survey carried out preliminary exploration, then with an emphasis on its findings, basic research was conducted by survey. The study population consisted of 78,000 farmers in 1,400 villages in the Markazi province. Sampling was done with two-stage cluster sampling. Since more than half of the study population are illiterate and low literate, This point must be considered in the selection of suitable promotional methods and the methods used that need less education. Also, because of the distribution of farmers in different age groups, appropriate methods should be promoted in accordance with the existing theories of adult learning methods elections. However, in most of developing countries farmers education level is  low; therefore the government action is necessary to implement technical and educational programs for farmers and enhance the capacity building of farmers by using information communication technologies.


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