In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate , kharazmi University , Tehran ,Iran

2 Associate Professor , Education and Psychology Department , Kharazmi University , Tehran , Iran


This study examines the impact of environmental education based on the theory of MI, to reform the traditional teaching model. Selected samples contain two groups, tested samples and control samples are available. Based on the theory of multiple intelligences in Gardner's teaching groups of test and for control groups, the traditional method is used. Research findings indicate that multiple intelligences theory teaching method based on Gardner's attitude and interest students in correcting of misconception of student in regard to environmental education. Compared to traditional teaching methods is supremacy. Traditional approach to education, with the aim of transferring knowledge to students by speech witch is often based on verbal communication and logical – mathematical intelligence is done which are based on individual differences, learning the basic tools to understand each student's outcome. The results of this study and final conclusion indicated the use of MI method teaching entrance of environmental education is rather very necessary.


Main Subjects