In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Higher Education Institute of Applied Science, Ministry of Jihad-Agricultural

2 Ph.D Graduated Agricultural Development at University of Tehran, Iran


In this research, hierarchical process has been applied for prioritizing options and barriers criteria of sustainable management of agricultural water resources. For this purpose, first, according to the identified criteria and options, data from experts of Ab Baran cooperatives in Kurdistan province based on paired comparison of data were collected through a questionnaire answered by 29 selected samples and the expert choice software was used to analyze them. The results showed that the legal and policy options were considered the highest among the other eight options. It is also known to be the most important obstacle to the sustainable management of agricultural water consumption. After that, economic-support, extension-education, exploitation style, social, institutional and organizational, planning and natural options were located. Furthermore, the results concerning the relative importance of criteria for significance evaluating of management of agricultural water obstacles revealed that water efficiency at the farm level is the most important and then increasing agricultural water productivity, optimum transfer of agricultural water, resources conservation, water conservation, improving water efficiency, irrigation system and farmers' participation were important in turn.


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