In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Agricultural Extension and Education Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


The aim of this comparative - descriptive study was to compare extension philosophy with ethical and environmental theories in order to find a strategy for rural environment management. Analysis and comparison of the environmental viewpoints revealed that some philosophical principles of extension is in direction of environmental theory but extension have not been benefited from these principles to protect rural environment and haven’t attention to environmental protection in favor of production. According to the problems of rural environment, goals and functions of extension need to be updated and changed to solve this problems. Therefore, Islam philosophy and the viewpoints of environmentalism such as deep ecology, greens, social ecology, and bio-regionalism can guide extension in solving environmental issues. Analysis of the documents showed that extension should emphasize moderation, diversity, balanced development, development of human capacity, enhance productivity, promoting environmental ethical-religious values and respect to nature alongside emphasis on indigenous knowledge, leadership of local leaders, people participation, support of popular organization, foresight and systematic thinking until to achieve sustainable agricultural development and ultimately a balanced development of local communities.


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