In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shiraz University

2 Yasouj University


The problem of environmental pollution in the world today, is not only a problem of a  country or a specific territory, but also the belongs to the  whole world which contains a variety of problems such as water and air pollution, ozone depletion, deforestation, destruction of plant species and animals. Wisch all of them are the results of human’s performance and behavior on environment. This paper aimed to examine the impact of responsibility on the environmental behavior by mediating the use of media. The research method in this study was a survey using multistage stratified sample of 400 people in Ahvaz. The results showed that environmental behavior in Ahvaz on average. As well as between the independent variables and the dependent variable media accountability and the use of environmental behavior, there is a positive and significant relationship. Path analysis results showed that responsibility by acting through the media, affect the environmental behavior. And the age, gender and marital status and environmental behavior relationship and the differences were not significant. Finally, all variables were able to 17/1 of the factors influencing environmental behavior, explain residents of Ahvaz.


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