The Effect of Ecotourism Education and Promotion to Environmental Protection (Case study: Education of Female Students in District 18 of Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Appropriate environmental education is one of the essential principles for protecting the environment. One of the most critical environmental issues of teaching is knowing how to use solutions for effective behavior the people towards the environment, and their commitment to nature and the environment has increased. This study attempts to influence the implementation of environmental education programs outside the classroom (Ecotourism) in the behavior of students in Tehran transplantation with nature itself. The research method was semi-experimental using the single group design that much of it conducted in the field and consisted of 74 high school students in the second period. Tools for data collection in addition to observing interviews from a questionnaire achieved its validity by experts reliability by using Cronbach studied were(Alpha=0/82) for data analysis by SPSS19 software to descriptive statistics from the T-test was used to compare the nature will increase. The results showed that all 26 questions in 4 whole were designed to change attitudes and to change behavior shows significantly. So Focus on the way of environmental education could make a difference in students' relationship with the natural environment will be. Will increase their commitment to preserving nature.


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