In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University


Environmental problem nowadays the is known as one Environmental problem nowadays the is known as one of important concerns in human life. This research has been studied the environmental attitude and its relationship with Religiousness in 15 years and older residents of Noorabad Mamasani. Using survey method, Statistics society had been 15 years and older residents of Noorabad Mamasani, from which 400 subjects were determined based on Sampling method (1976) and were selected by classified-multi stage random sampling method. Structured questionnaire, which provided via the scale of Religiousness  (Mirfardi & Shayani, 2014) and the scale of attitude toward environment (Salehi Omran & Aghamohamadi, 2008), was used as research tool for data collection, which face validity and Cronbach's alpha were used for its validity and reliability, respectively. Reliability for environmental attitude and religiosity were 0.76 and 0.79, respectively. The findings showed that the dependent variable has direct significant relationship with the variables of religiosity and indirect significant relationship with age. Religiousness determined 14.1 percentages of dependent variable. Study showed that religiosity has important role in pro-environmental attitude. Offering educational programs for enhancing religious commitments which related to environment is advised.


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