Assessing the role of self efficacy and social tendencies in green purchase intention and behaviour

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Shahre Qods Branch

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Payame Noor University


The present study was carried out aimed to investigate the role of self efficacy and social tendencies in green purchase intention and behavior. This study is considered as an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey research in terms of data collection method. In this study, the statistical population includes all consumers of organic products supplied at Ofogh Koorosh chain stores (OKCS), including Talavang eggs and organic disposable tableware. Therefore, 384 questionnaires were collected. These questionnaires were distributed by stratified probability sampling method. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used in order to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire and confirmatory factor analysis technique was used to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. Then, using structural equation modeling using Lisrel software was used to analyze data. According to the results of investigating the research hypotheses, social tendencies, self-efficacy and consumer attitude play a role in green purchase intention, and the role of environmental knowledge in consumer attitudes has been shown. And, finally, green purchase intention has played a role in green purchase behavior. Therefore, environmental knowledge has a significant effect on green purchase behavior through consumer attitudes and purchase intention.


Abbasi, J., Enayati, GH. & Rahbari, M. (2012). “Investigating Factors Affecting
 the Green Purchasing Behavior of Iranian Students (Case Study: Students of Islamic Azad University of Qazvin).“Management Quarterly, 27(9), 36. [In Persian]
Abdul Rashid, N.R.N., Jusoff, K., and Kassim, K.M. (2009). "Eco-Labeling Perspectives amongst Malaysian Consumers." “Canadian Social Science, 5(2), 1-10.
Ajzen, I. (1991). "The theory of planned behavior." “Organizational behavior and human decision process, 50(2), 179-211.
Ajzen, I. Fishbein, M. (1975). "Attitude behavior relations: a theoretical analysis and review of empirical research." “Psychological Bulletin, 84(5), 888–918.
Ali, A. & Ahmad, I. (2012). “Environment-Friendly Products: Factors that Influence the Green Purchase Intentions of Pakistani Consumers." Pakistan Journal of Engineering, Technology & Science, 2(1), 84-117.
Allport, G.W. (1935). "Attitudes." In: Murchison, C. “A Handbook of Social Psychology, Clark University Press, Worcester, MA, 798–844.
Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A., Yang, S.B. & Oh, W. (2011). "An odyssey into virtual worlds: Exploring the impacts of technological and spatial environments on the intention to purchase virtual products." “MIS Quarterly, 35(3), 789–810.
Baca-Motes, K., Brown, A., Gneezy, A., Keenan, E.A., and Nelson, L.D.
(2013) “Commitment and behavior."
change: evidence from the field".“Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (5),
Bandura, A. (1977). "Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change." “Psychological Review, 84(2), 191–215.
Barber, N., Taylor, C. & Strick, S. (2009). “Wine consumers’ environmental knowledge and attitudes: influence on willingness to purchase." “International Journal of Win Research, 1(1), 59–72.
Barker, K., Fong, L., Grossman, S., Quin, C. & Reid, R. (1994). “Comparison of self-reported recycling attitudes and behaviors with actual behavior." “Psychological Report, 75 (1), 571-577.
Beckford, C.L., Jacobs, C., Williams, N. & Nahdee, R. (2010). “Aboriginal Environmental Wisdom, Stewardship, and Sustainability: Lessons from the Walpole Island First Nations, Ontario, Canada.The journal of environmental education, 41(4), 239–248.
Begum, R.A., Siwar, C., Pereira, J.J. & Jaafar, A.H. (2009). "Attitude and behavioral factors in waste management in the construction industry of Malaysia." "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 53, 321–328.
Chan, R.Y.K. (2001). "Determinants of Chinese consumers' green purchase behavior." “Psychology & Marketing, 18(4), 389–413.
Cheng, S., Lam, T. Hsu, C.H.C. (2006). "Negative word- of- mouth communication intention: an application of the Theory of Planned Behavior." "Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 30(1), 95–116.
Compeau, D.R. & Higgins, C.A. (1995). "Computer self-efficacy: Development of a measure and initial test." “MIS Quarterly, 19(2), 189–211.
Cyr, D., Hassanein, K., Head, M. & Ivanov, A. (2007). "The role of social presence in establishing loyalty in e-service environments." “Interacting with Computers, 19(1), 43–56.
Dash, S. & Saji, K.B. (2007). "The role of consumer self-efficacy and website social presence in customers' adoption of B2C online shopping: An empirical study in the Indian context". “Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 20(2), 33-48.
Dehghanan, H. & Bakhshandeh, G. (2014). “The impact of green perceived value and green perceived risk on green purchase behavior of Iranian consumers." International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, 3(2), 1349-1357. [In Persian]
Diekmann, A. & Preisendörfer, P. (2003). “Green and greenback. The behavioral effects of environmental attitudes in low-cost and high-cost situations”. Journal of Rationality and Society, 15(4), 441-472.
D'Souza, C., Taghian, M., Lamb, P. & Peretiatko, R. (2007). "Green decisions: demographics and consumer understanding of environmental labels." “International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(4), 371–376.
Gefen, D. & Straub, D.W. (2004). "Consumer trust in B2C e-commerce and the importance of social presence: Experiments in e-products and e-services". “Omega, 32, 407–424.
Grunert, S.C., and Juhl, H.J. (1995). "Values, environmental attitudes, and buying organic foods." “Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 39-62.
Hassan, A., Noordin, T.A. & Sulaiman, S. (2010). “The status on the level of environmental awareness in the concept of sustainable development amongst secondary school students." "Journal of Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 1276-1280.
Hassanein, K. & Head, M. (2007). “Manipulating perceived social
presence through the web interface and
its impact on attitude towards online
shopping”. International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies, 65(8), 689–
Hu, H.Y. & Parsa, H.G. (2017). “Ambivalence Attitudes Toward Green Products and the Moderating Role of Green Advertisement." Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, “Springer Cham, 1289-1294.
Kahle, L.R. & Gurel-Atay, E. (2013). "Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy." “Sharpe, ME.
Khoddami, S., Norouzi, H. & Timurphamian, R. (2017). “Green shopping inventory model based on perceived environmental and peripheral factors, emphasizing the role of dimensions of perceived consumer value." Quarterly Journal of Social-Cultural Development Studies, 5(4), 75-103. [In Persian].
Kim, M.S. & Hunter, J.E. (1993).“Relationships Among Attitudes, Behavioral Intentions, and Behavior A Meta-Analysis of Past Research, Part 2”. "Communication Research, 20(3), 331-364.
Koller, M., Floh, A. & Zauner, A. (2011). "Further insights into the perceived value and consumer loyalty: a "Green" perspective.“Psychology & Marketing, 28(12), 1154–1176.
Kumar, B., Manrai, A. & Manrai, L. (2017). "Purchasing behavior for environmentally sustainable products: A conceptual framework and empirical study." “Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 1-9.
Laroche, M., Bergero, J. & Barbarot, Forleo, G. (2001). “Targeting consumers who are Willing to Pay More for Environmentally Friendly Products." Journal of Consumer Market, 18, 503-520.
Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N. & Kvasova, O. (2010). “Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behavior." Journal of Marketing Management, 26
(13-14), 1319-1344.
Lynne, G.D., Casey, C.F., Hodges, A. &
Rahmani, M. (1995). “Conservation
technology adoption decisions and the
theory of planned behavior”. “Journal
Of Economic Psychology, 16(4), 581–
Maclnnis, D. J. & Jaworski, B.J. (1989). "Information processing from advertisements: toward an integrative framework." “Journal of Marketing, 53(4), 1–23.
Maclnnis, D.J., Moorman, C. & Jaworski, B.J. (1991). "Enhancing and measuring consumers' motivation, opportunity, and ability to process brand information from ads." “Journal of Marketing, 55(4), 32–53.
Mäntymäki, M. & Salo, J. (2013). “Purchasing behavior in social worlds:
An examination of Habbo Hotel”.
“International Journal of Information
Management, 33, 282–290.
Mostafa, M.M. (2007). “Gender differences in Egyptian consumers green purchase behavior: the effects of environmental knowledge, concern, and attitude." “International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(3), 220-229.
Petty, R.E. & Cacioppo, J.T. (1983). "The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion." “Advance in Consumer Research, 11, 673-675.
Ramayah, T., Lee, J.W.C. & Lim, S. (2012). "Sustaining the environment through recycling: an empirical study." “Journal of Environmental Management, 102, 141-147.
Ramsey, C.E. & Rickson, R.E. (1976). "Environmental knowledge and attitudes." “The Journal of Environmental Education, 8(1), 10–18.
Royne, M.B., Levy, M. & Martinez, J. (2011). "The public health implications of consumers' environmental concern and their willingness to pay for an eco-friendly product." “Journal of Consumer Affairs, 45(2), 329-343.
Saba, A. & Messina, F. (2003). “Attitudes towards organic foods and risk/benefit perception associated with pesticides." “Food Quality and Preference, 14(8), 637-645.
Sabzehei, M.T., Gholipoor, S. & Adinevand, M. (2016). "A Survey of the Relationship Between Environmental Awareness, Attitude, and Pro-environmental Behavior of Female Students at Qom University." “Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, 4(4), 5-16. [In Persian]
Shaw, P.J., (2008). "Nearest neighbor effects in kerbside household waste recycling." "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 52, 775–784.
Sheppard, B.H., Hartwick, J. & Warshaw, P.R. (1988). "The theory of reasoned action: a meta-analysis of past research with recommendations for modifications and future research." “The Journal of Consumer Research, 15(3), 325-343.
Short, J., Williams, E. & Christie, B. (1976). “The social psychology of telecommunications." London: Wiley.
Sidique, S.F., Joshi, S.V. & Lupi, F. (2010). "Factors influencing the rate of recycling: an analysis of Minnesota counties." "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 54, 242–249.
Stern, P.C. (1999). “Information, incentives, and pro-environmental consumer behavior”. “Journal of Consumer Policy, 22(4), 461-478.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M.G., Davis, G.B. & Davis, F.D. (2003). "User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view." “MIS Quarterly, 27(3), 425–478.
Verbeke, W. & Viaene, J. (1999). "Consumer attitude to beef quality labels and associations with beef quality labels." “Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 10(3), 45–65.
Yadav, R. & Pathak, G.S. (2016). “Young
 Consumer's Intention Towards Buying Green Products in a Developing Nation: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior”. “Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 732-739.
Yazdani, N., and Goli, F. (2018). “The impact of religion on the realization of green marketing." “Business Management Quarterly, 38, 173-174.
Ying-Ching, L. & Chiu-Chi, A.C. (2012). “Double standard: the role of environmental consciousness in green product usage." Journal of Marketing,
76(5), 125–134.
Young, W., Hwang, K., McDonald, S., and Oates, C.J. (2010). “Sustainable consumption: green consumer behavior when purchasing products." Sustainable Development, 18, 20-31.
Zelezny, L.C. & Schultz, P. (2000). “Promoting environmentalism." Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 365-371.
Abbasi, J., Enayati, GH. & Rahbari, M. (2012). “Investigating Factors Affecting
 the Green Purchasing Behavior of Iranian Students (Case Study: Students of Islamic Azad University of Qazvin).“Management Quarterly, 27(9), 36. [In Persian]
Abdul Rashid, N.R.N., Jusoff, K., and Kassim, K.M. (2009). "Eco-Labeling Perspectives amongst Malaysian Consumers." “Canadian Social Science, 5(2), 1-10.
Ajzen, I. (1991). "The theory of planned behavior." “Organizational behavior and human decision process, 50(2), 179-211.
Ajzen, I. Fishbein, M. (1975). "Attitude behavior relations: a theoretical analysis and review of empirical research." “Psychological Bulletin, 84(5), 888–918.
Ali, A. & Ahmad, I. (2012). “Environment-Friendly Products: Factors that Influence the Green Purchase Intentions of Pakistani Consumers." Pakistan Journal of Engineering, Technology & Science, 2(1), 84-117.
Allport, G.W. (1935). "Attitudes." In: Murchison, C. “A Handbook of Social Psychology, Clark University Press, Worcester, MA, 798–844.
Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A., Yang, S.B. & Oh, W. (2011). "An odyssey into virtual worlds: Exploring the impacts of technological and spatial environments on the intention to purchase virtual products." “MIS Quarterly, 35(3), 789–810.
Baca-Motes, K., Brown, A., Gneezy, A., Keenan, E.A., and Nelson, L.D.
(2013) “Commitment and behavior."
change: evidence from the field".“Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (5),
Bandura, A. (1977). "Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change." “Psychological Review, 84(2), 191–215.
Barber, N., Taylor, C. & Strick, S. (2009). “Wine consumers’ environmental knowledge and attitudes: influence on willingness to purchase." “International Journal of Win Research, 1(1), 59–72.
Barker, K., Fong, L., Grossman, S., Quin, C. & Reid, R. (1994). “Comparison of self-reported recycling attitudes and behaviors with actual behavior." “Psychological Report, 75 (1), 571-577.
Beckford, C.L., Jacobs, C., Williams, N. & Nahdee, R. (2010). “Aboriginal Environmental Wisdom, Stewardship, and Sustainability: Lessons from the Walpole Island First Nations, Ontario, Canada.The journal of environmental education, 41(4), 239–248.
Begum, R.A., Siwar, C., Pereira, J.J. & Jaafar, A.H. (2009). "Attitude and behavioral factors in waste management in the construction industry of Malaysia." "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 53, 321–328.
Chan, R.Y.K. (2001). "Determinants of Chinese consumers' green purchase behavior." “Psychology & Marketing, 18(4), 389–413.
Cheng, S., Lam, T. Hsu, C.H.C. (2006). "Negative word- of- mouth communication intention: an application of the Theory of Planned Behavior." "Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 30(1), 95–116.
Compeau, D.R. & Higgins, C.A. (1995). "Computer self-efficacy: Development of a measure and initial test." “MIS Quarterly, 19(2), 189–211.
Cyr, D., Hassanein, K., Head, M. & Ivanov, A. (2007). "The role of social presence in establishing loyalty in e-service environments." “Interacting with Computers, 19(1), 43–56.
Dash, S. & Saji, K.B. (2007). "The role of consumer self-efficacy and website social presence in customers' adoption of B2C online shopping: An empirical study in the Indian context". “Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 20(2), 33-48.
Dehghanan, H. & Bakhshandeh, G. (2014). “The impact of green perceived value and green perceived risk on green purchase behavior of Iranian consumers." International Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, 3(2), 1349-1357. [In Persian]
Diekmann, A. & Preisendörfer, P. (2003). “Green and greenback. The behavioral effects of environmental attitudes in low-cost and high-cost situations”. Journal of Rationality and Society, 15(4), 441-472.
D'Souza, C., Taghian, M., Lamb, P. & Peretiatko, R. (2007). "Green decisions: demographics and consumer understanding of environmental labels." “International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(4), 371–376.
Gefen, D. & Straub, D.W. (2004). "Consumer trust in B2C e-commerce and the importance of social presence: Experiments in e-products and e-services". “Omega, 32, 407–424.
Grunert, S.C., and Juhl, H.J. (1995). "Values, environmental attitudes, and buying organic foods." “Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 39-62.
Hassan, A., Noordin, T.A. & Sulaiman, S. (2010). “The status on the level of environmental awareness in the concept of sustainable development amongst secondary school students." "Journal of Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 1276-1280.
Hassanein, K. & Head, M. (2007). “Manipulating perceived social
presence through the web interface and
its impact on attitude towards online
shopping”. International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies, 65(8), 689–
Hu, H.Y. & Parsa, H.G. (2017). “Ambivalence Attitudes Toward Green Products and the Moderating Role of Green Advertisement." Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, “Springer Cham, 1289-1294.
Kahle, L.R. & Gurel-Atay, E. (2013). "Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy." “Sharpe, ME.
Khoddami, S., Norouzi, H. & Timurphamian, R. (2017). “Green shopping inventory model based on perceived environmental and peripheral factors, emphasizing the role of dimensions of perceived consumer value." Quarterly Journal of Social-Cultural Development Studies, 5(4), 75-103. [In Persian].
Kim, M.S. & Hunter, J.E. (1993).“Relationships Among Attitudes, Behavioral Intentions, and Behavior A Meta-Analysis of Past Research, Part 2”. "Communication Research, 20(3), 331-364.
Koller, M., Floh, A. & Zauner, A. (2011). "Further insights into the perceived value and consumer loyalty: a "Green" perspective.“Psychology & Marketing, 28(12), 1154–1176.
Kumar, B., Manrai, A. & Manrai, L. (2017). "Purchasing behavior for environmentally sustainable products: A conceptual framework and empirical study." “Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 1-9.
Laroche, M., Bergero, J. & Barbarot, Forleo, G. (2001). “Targeting consumers who are Willing to Pay More for Environmentally Friendly Products." Journal of Consumer Market, 18, 503-520.
Leonidou, L.C., Leonidou, C.N. & Kvasova, O. (2010). “Antecedents and outcomes of consumer environmentally friendly attitudes and behavior." Journal of Marketing Management, 26
(13-14), 1319-1344.
Lynne, G.D., Casey, C.F., Hodges, A. &
Rahmani, M. (1995). “Conservation
technology adoption decisions and the
theory of planned behavior”. “Journal
Of Economic Psychology, 16(4), 581–
Maclnnis, D. J. & Jaworski, B.J. (1989). "Information processing from advertisements: toward an integrative framework." “Journal of Marketing, 53(4), 1–23.
Maclnnis, D.J., Moorman, C. & Jaworski, B.J. (1991). "Enhancing and measuring consumers' motivation, opportunity, and ability to process brand information from ads." “Journal of Marketing, 55(4), 32–53.
Mäntymäki, M. & Salo, J. (2013). “Purchasing behavior in social worlds:
An examination of Habbo Hotel”.
“International Journal of Information
Management, 33, 282–290.
Mostafa, M.M. (2007). “Gender differences in Egyptian consumers green purchase behavior: the effects of environmental knowledge, concern, and attitude." “International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(3), 220-229.
Petty, R.E. & Cacioppo, J.T. (1983). "The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion." “Advance in Consumer Research, 11, 673-675.
Ramayah, T., Lee, J.W.C. & Lim, S. (2012). "Sustaining the environment through recycling: an empirical study." “Journal of Environmental Management, 102, 141-147.
Ramsey, C.E. & Rickson, R.E. (1976). "Environmental knowledge and attitudes." “The Journal of Environmental Education, 8(1), 10–18.
Royne, M.B., Levy, M. & Martinez, J. (2011). "The public health implications of consumers' environmental concern and their willingness to pay for an eco-friendly product." “Journal of Consumer Affairs, 45(2), 329-343.
Saba, A. & Messina, F. (2003). “Attitudes towards organic foods and risk/benefit perception associated with pesticides." “Food Quality and Preference, 14(8), 637-645.
Sabzehei, M.T., Gholipoor, S. & Adinevand, M. (2016). "A Survey of the Relationship Between Environmental Awareness, Attitude, and Pro-environmental Behavior of Female Students at Qom University." “Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development, 4(4), 5-16. [In Persian]
Shaw, P.J., (2008). "Nearest neighbor effects in kerbside household waste recycling." "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 52, 775–784.
Sheppard, B.H., Hartwick, J. & Warshaw, P.R. (1988). "The theory of reasoned action: a meta-analysis of past research with recommendations for modifications and future research." “The Journal of Consumer Research, 15(3), 325-343.
Short, J., Williams, E. & Christie, B. (1976). “The social psychology of telecommunications." London: Wiley.
Sidique, S.F., Joshi, S.V. & Lupi, F. (2010). "Factors influencing the rate of recycling: an analysis of Minnesota counties." "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 54, 242–249.
Stern, P.C. (1999). “Information, incentives, and pro-environmental consumer behavior”. “Journal of Consumer Policy, 22(4), 461-478.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M.G., Davis, G.B. & Davis, F.D. (2003). "User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view." “MIS Quarterly, 27(3), 425–478.
Verbeke, W. & Viaene, J. (1999). "Consumer attitude to beef quality labels and associations with beef quality labels." “Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 10(3), 45–65.
Yadav, R. & Pathak, G.S. (2016). “Young
 Consumer's Intention Towards Buying Green Products in a Developing Nation: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior”. “Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 732-739.
Yazdani, N., and Goli, F. (2018). “The impact of religion on the realization of green marketing." “Business Management Quarterly, 38, 173-174.
Ying-Ching, L. & Chiu-Chi, A.C. (2012). “Double standard: the role of environmental consciousness in green product usage." Journal of Marketing,
76(5), 125–134.
Young, W., Hwang, K., McDonald, S., and Oates, C.J. (2010). “Sustainable consumption: green consumer behavior when purchasing products." Sustainable Development, 18, 20-31.
Zelezny, L.C. & Schultz, P. (2000). “Promoting environmentalism." Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 365-371.