In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in Curriculum Planning, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of social desirability and acceptance in predicting the academic self-efficacy of high school students. The research method was a descriptive correlational. The statistical population of the second-grade high school students in Tabriz 4th educational district during the academic year of 2016-2017 was 340 people based on Morgan's table and selected by a multistage random sampling method. The data were collected by McIlroy & Bunting self-efficacy questionnaires (2002), Krone-Marlow's social utility questionnaire (1964), Marlow and Crown social acceptance questionnaires (1960). Data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis in SPSS.21 software. The results of this study showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between social desirability and academic self-efficacy and there is a positive and significant relationship between social acceptance and academic self-efficacy. Also, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that the variables of utility and social acceptance could predict meaningful changes in criterion variables (academic self-efficacy) in students. Therefore, planning more studies is recommended for a better understanding of factors to promote desirability and admission and academic self-efficacy.


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