Investigation of the Challenges of Institutionalizing the Concept of Sustainability and Sustainable Development in University Education of Civil Engineering and Project Management disciplines in the United Kingdom and Italy and Providing a Framework for Inclusion in the Related Education Topic in the Country

Document Type : Research Paper


Asistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran


Considering the establishment of project management engineering in the country by the author, this article focuses on how to design a curriculum and important issues to be considered in the curriculum of civil engineering and project management and its objective is to promote the level of graduates who are not only unaware of the need for sustainable development, but also do not meet the aspirations of industrial organizations, professionals, and academics. This paper is an applied research based on a case study extracted from research findings. To achieve this objective, a review has been conducted to determine the main areas under study in sustainable development and the concept of sustainability in order to be included in the curriculum planning and course titles, and special attention has been paid to the role of civil engineering and project management. Preliminary data were collected using a review of important articles and credible evidence, specifically on studies in two case studies, one on the Civil Engineering and Project Management program at the University of the North East of England and the other in central Italy, which have been successful. The results based on the above research method have led to the design of a table with basic components to be considered in the civil engineering and project management curriculum in the country, which is self-applied and includes a proposed framework in 9 areas and 75 categories for inclusion in the curriculum of the mentioned disciplines as the output of this research.


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