In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Curriculum Studies Association

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


The purpose of this research was to develop a framework for conceptual explanation and field assessing the ecosystem of green entrepreneurship in Golestan province based on the nexus of entrepreneurialism and environmentalism. This research was carried out using mixed-method approach in two phases. The first phase of this research was done using classic Delphi technique. The data and information were gathered through a semi-structured interview (early rounds) and questionnaire (last round) with a sample of informant stakeholders of the green enterprise and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Golestan province. As a result of this phase, seven dimensions which composition of 50 indicators, as: 1. Motivation and institutional support for the development of green entrepreneurship (10 indicators), 2. Research and technology in the field of green entrepreneurship (3 indicators), 3. Development of the market of green goods and services (5 indicators), 4. Cultural promotion and extension of green entrepreneurship (9 indicators), 5. Training and empowerment of green manpower (8 indicators), 6. Strategic planning of green entrepreneurship development (5 indicators), and 7. Management and governance development of green entrepreneurship (10 indicators). In the second phase, a "foresight" approach using MICMAC software and scenarios development approach using Scenario Wizard Software led to extract 4 incredible scenarios, as very desirable scenario (Green Golestan), a midway Scenario based on the status quo (Gray Golestan), a very critical scenario (Yellow Golestan) and a Complete Crisis scenario (Red Golestan). Desirable scenarios, although they show high hopes for the occurrence of favorable conditions in the province, but on the other hand do not consider the occurrence of critical conditions as unexpected.


Main Subjects

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