Designing a Model for the Acceptance of Renewable Energy Technology Using a Green Entrepreneurship Approach Among Nomads in Kermanshah Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student in Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The aim of this study is to present a localized model for the acceptance of renewable energy technologies among nomads in Kermanshah Province through a green entrepreneurship approach, using the grounded theory method. The study population consists of key experts in Kermanshah Province, and the data collection tool is a semi-structured interview, conducted with a purposive sampling method. The results showed that the main components for accepting these technologies include: environmental-ecological (reduction of environmental damage and absence of environmental pollution); economic-financial (high cost of using non-renewable energy, economic savings, increasing income by starting digital businesses, and economic benefits of renewable energy); cultural-behavioral (spreading the culture of using technology, the desire to change the current situation for the better, and understanding the usefulness of technology); technical-specialized (ensuring the performance of panels, low depreciation of equipment, high safety and compatibility, ease of use, and easy access); support-supportive (grant allocation and low-interest loans, technical support for equipment, and government subsidies); institutional-legal (actions to support social justice laws, regulation of laws to create an appropriate space for the private sector, transparency in protective laws, and environmental regulation policies); welfare-security (increased social welfare and improved security); and education-extension services (training courses, development, and raising awareness). In order to achieve sustainable development, knowledge-based, regulatory, and behavioral strategies have been presented as practical recommendations for planners and policymakers.


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